Impact Of Covid-19 To Businesses, And How To Survive It?

Does your business feels the impact of covid-19? Whether isolation implemented or not, we all feel it. Social distancing alone causes a lot of damage to businesses, especially ones that depend on crowds and tourists. Stock markets are collapsing, doesn’t matter where you’re from, what’s you’re social status, it impacted all of us.

Different stories might appear for tech start-ups. Companies like Zoom, Microsoft Team and other online communication companies are reporting that their users number are spiking up due to the work-from-home policy. Even Indonesia’s tech start-ups also having the same users spike-such as ruangguru–an online education start up. Another start-up on the rise is HaloDoc, an app that provides virtual doctor consultation, purchases meds online, and have it delivered by another a decacorn start-up–Gojek.

But those chances doesn’t come to all businesses. Most businesses still require people to step out to the world to enjoy it. Even movie and television companies feel the impact. Movie theaters are closing, live talk-shows are going live without audience. There’s a screenshot of Indonesian famous director, Dimas Djay, complaining that some crew are still shooting for advertisements, that they were forced to do it by their employer’s clients’, without any compensation whatsoever.

So how can you survive this hard-time?

First, You can start by staying inside. It doesn’t mean anything to go out and fight for your business, if you and your loved ones ended-up getting the virus. We can all help the health-care workers and providers, lift a little burden off of their shoulders, so they can go home to their loved ones.

Second, you’ll need to start planning. We–as humans–have did this before. We thrive and got over it. You too, need to believe that the world will gets back to normal, and you wouldn’t want to start planning when the world IS already gotten back to normal, that’ll be too late. The best you can do for your business are:

  1. Save all the funds you can. Don’t spend on something gimmicky, or not necessary.
  2. Even if customers are currently not spending, you still need to market your business, so you can stay relevant.
  3. Avoid using live-action advertisements such as photography and videos. People are getting concerned about getting out, so you as a business-owner should understand and have an empathy towards the professional workers.
  4. You need to take a shift, and make another marketing strategy, that are both impactful and safe for everyone.

To elaborate the last point, you can make a move towards digital marketing, with animated explainer videos. You’ll still be able to convey the message you want. It costs much lower, it can be done faster, and most importantly, people aren’t risking their life while making your videos.

That’s where doodlinc comes in.

Our team has been working independently ever since we’re open for business. We collaborate using online platforms or phone calls if necessary. Each of our team members are working from their own studios, at their home. We believe that working from home is the best life-style for our team. They can spend more time with their families, they can work as long, or as short as they’d like, as long as the works are done. That way, we can build trust, and we don’t need to micromanage our team. They complete their own responsibilities, and they usually are able to finish the work faster, due to their desire to have a free time.

We are proud of doing the work-from-home lifestyle, because that way, we reduce the carbon dioxide produced by our vehicles. And also, we don’t have to be stuck in the rush-hour traffic everyday.

In conclusion, have faith, plan your best and support each other. We are all in this together afterall. No good guys or bad guys. With doodlinc, you can keep your business relevant, so when this hard time is over and the world eventually gets back to normal, you are ready to embark the new adventure, and compete again. In retrospect, the hardship of business competition looks kind of fun compared to what we’re dealing now.

You can drop us a word at, or head to our homepage to check what we can do for you.

We can fight this!

Doodlinc, explainer videos for everyone.

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